Rigged state lotteries alone prove that the illuminati TOTALLY control government, "opposition" and media in the US and EU

May 1, 2008

Never posed questions reveal illuminati TOTAL control

Rigged state lotteries alone IMMEDIATELY reveal illuminati TOTAL control of media, politics and "justice"
Questions that illuminati media will never pose, not to mention will never discuss:
TV "drawings":
- Why is the number of lottery jackpot "winners" NOT announced immediately after?
- why isn't the public allowed to watch?
- why do the odds for each "drawn" combination decrease with the increase of the jackpot sum, or in other words with the number of bets?
In other words: why does the "drawn" combination gets weirder as the "jackpot" increases.
Jackpot "Winners":
- why only exceptionally do they get a public face? Reminder: almost all winners of Spain's El Gordo, world's largest lottery drawn in public, don't remain anonymous.
- why do almost all "winners" who get a public face state that they don't want to change their lifestyle, starting by their house, because they love the neighbors and so on?

Rigged state lotteries, apes are 99% human hoax: SAME basic TRICK - contrast with prestidigitators

UNDENIABLE fact that these 10 BASIC questions were ** NEVER ** MENTIONED in EU/US media IMMEDIATELY reveals illuminati TOTAL control

Slot machines software specification same as claw machines.
Handing money vs handing stuffed animals - the ONE real difference:

2014: 10 years after it was exposed, lotterypost.com didn't delete it, just locked it. 

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